I have been having some issues with my laptop. It hasn't wanted to download ANY pix. And if you're a blogger you know what kind of stress and aggrivation this would cause a girl! So instead of just writing, I've put it off.
So I've got all kinds of great stuff to share!
The pix above is a test pix of Ava and her Bopper or Dopper, which ever name she prefers to call him that day.
I am 37 weeks pregnant. Things have balanced out a little, so my dr. is "allowing" me to continue on for a little while. Wow, what a thoughtful physician I have, right! He he he, I've had a baby "not quite ready" in the NICU and I fully appreciate the waiting for safety sake.
We have settled into our new house just lovely. We've all become very comfortable and happy in our new environment. And it has inspired me to get back into the game and refurbish some old furniture. After the baby comes, of course. I want everyone to come visit and see my new precious baby and home VERY SOON! Consider this an invitation.
Ammorae made Jr. High cheerleader and has made pretty good grades this year. Just getting ready for final exams and can't wait to have her home over the summer. She always teaches her sisters so much and helps me a lot. We will be having friends over often, I have a feeling. Mostly to swim in our pool. Oh yeah, the two of us entered in the Mother/daughter Chocolate Festival at church and we won 3rd place with Chocolate Kahula Truffles!
Aydan has had a more than wonderful year in prek and is ahead of the game. She is so creative and makes me more proud each day. She is my official personal assistant. She wants to be "incharge" of everything that has to do with her soon to be baby sister.
Addy is finally potty trained! Hallelujah! She has the biggest heart of anyone I know. She is encouraging and so loving to her sisters. She walkes around randomly and gives each one of them kisses. She is very concerned about God and Jesus and what they are expecting of each one of us daily. It makes our daily lessons fun and interesting.
Ava is almost 2 and has really broadened her horizons the last two weeks. She is talking up a storm and repeating everything. Her facial expressions are priceless. She follows her big sisters around and does everything they do. It's so sweet to see them automatically involve her in all their adventures. Out of the blue she has decided that she no longer needs to be shy. This is going to be interesting!
Jeff has worked so hard to move us and get things comfortable before the baby comes. He has spoiled and showered us with surprises and thoughtful gifts. He's bent on working in the yard and just being a great dad. We are so blessed to have this big geek as our dad and husband.
I also might add that he is the BEST partner to have during labor. As scary and tiring of a situation as this can be, he is the most soothing, thoughtful, and strong person. Something just clicks with him and he completely takes over and makes me feel so comfortable and relaxed. He is more comfortable with a new born than any person, let alone man that I've ever seen. It's so bizarre. Around this time of my pregnancies, I am so happy to KNOW that he will be by my side! Thank you GOD!
I welcome summer and can't wait update you with all that's gone on in the Bryan house for the last couple of weeks, and what's going to come with a new addition to our family.
We posted blogs that are almost the same!! I LOVE the chores idea...remember mom always saying "It's a break from school, not from your life!!" hahaa:)